Dear Students:
It is my pleasure to welcome you back to a new and exciting school year! I hope that you had a prosperous summer, and that you have returned to us revived, refreshed, and one year wiser. I would like to also welcome our new students into the building (Class of 2017). The 2013-2014 school year promises to be a great year filled with many highlights that will surely build memories for years to come.
As you enter into this new school year I wanted to review some changes that are now in effect.
1. The school day begins at 7:30 AM sharp. All students are expected to be in their first period class by 7:30 AM.
2. There are three areas of entry into the building during morning arrival. Students may enter the building from the A wing, main entrance, or Jones gymnasium entrance. All doors will be locked promptly at 7:30 AM. Students arriving after 7:30 AM must use the main entrance.
3. Students are permitted to utilize electronic devices in the areas or times that have been designated as green zones. Usage of electronic devices is prohibited in the red zones. It is incumbent upon all students to be knowledgeable and aware of the green zones as well as the red zones.
4. Students are not to loiter in the B wing hallway during lunch. Students are permitted to eat lunch in the cafeteria, Walsh gymnasium, or in the Atrium. Please ensure that you are in one of those locations during your lunch.
The administration and faculty of High School West has made it our goal to ensure that all of our students are highly successful in this school year. With that said it is important to realize that one’s success is highly dependent upon one’s dedication to hard work. This means that the success you will experience this year as a student will be directly correlated to the effort that you are willing to put forth. Coleman Cox was quoted as saying “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” Rather than relying upon luck I challenge every High School West student to dedicate themselves to that which can be controlled, which is the hard work and dedication that you put forth into all of your pursuits.
In closing, please know that we are family. You are a member of the High School West family, and I am here to support you in your school related pursuits. I look forward to interacting with you, observing your participation in extracurricular activities, and helping you to navigate through your high school journey. Please remember to strive for excellence in all that you do, and to say “Hello” when I see you around the school’s campus.
Dr. Morton