By: Josee Matella ’16
Reviews Editor
The idea of college sounds daunting to many high school students. It is a part of your future, should you choose to go, that can be highly influential on the course you will take in years to come. Gathering information about colleges through emails, pamphlets, and letters can help educate one about what the college can offer but real world connections can give one a real idea. College visits and meeting students at these visits can also offer another view but West offered a unique and eye-opening college forum for students.
On January 8th, 2014 thirteen of West’s class of 2013 graduates hosted a panel. Hosted by Mrs. Pryor, the graduates told students about their own personal experiences in college, making the huge concept of college easier to digest. It was candid and reality instead of the words you find in brochures. It brought the idea down to Earth as kids many went to school with in previous years gave a new and fresh perspective on what happens after you leave the halls of West. Without missing a beat, stories were shared of the positives and negatives of college and the lessons learned.
They talked about the struggles of getting up for 8 AM classes and the huge differences to get accustomed. They imparted advice on the importance of time management and the pitfalls of procrastination. The hardships of college were revealed but also were the positives. The freedom of a college student compared to back at home was a recurring topic, as was the responsibility necessary to be successful in such an environment. They encouraged to get to know your teachers in college, go to office hours if you’re struggling, and don’t miss class. If money is an obstacle, take up work study or apply for financial aid.
The social aspect is a lot of what students can see on television or in movies. According to many graduates, they said it’s crucial to being able to adapt and be open to new experiences. Keeping a good group of friends can keep you out of trouble and make the experience all the more enjoyable.
While they talked about their experiences in college itself, they gave a look back on their time at West and what’s helpful to start as a high school student to make college life even a little bit easier. Take advantage of AP classes to get college credit. Create strong study habits so you don’t become overwhelmed with the workload of college.
The forum shined a new light on college and opened a candid and relatable opinion on college